FHFGC facilities and programs include an outdoor target range, indoor range and a trail system used for 3D and Lost Arrow shoots.
The indoor range is shared with firearm shooters. Preference is given to firearms on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Archery is preferred on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. However, if the range is free, it can be used for either archery or firearms. Some members use the range on a regular basis. You can check the logbook to see when this occurs to avoid
The indoor range is shared with firearm shooters. Preference is given to firearms on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Archery is preferred on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. However, if the range is free, it can be used for either archery or firearms. Some members use the range on a regular basis. You can check the logbook to see when this occurs to avoid
Archery Events
If there is sufficient interest, indoor Vegas shoots may be held over the fall and winter months.
3D Shoots
FHFGC is a member of Capitaland Bowhunters, who with several other local clubs, host shoots in the capital district of full size three dimensional (3D) targets. Shoots are held almost every week during the summer months and are for individual shooters. Each club has two to four shoots. FHFGC has become recognized for the quality of its shoots including its full-size moose, elk, and bear targets.
Download 2024 Capitaland Schedule Below
Lost Arrow Shoots
For several years FHfGC has participated with two other clubs in league competition shooting at paper targets at distances up to 50 yards called Lost Arrow. Shoots were alternated weekly among the three clubs. In 2024 FHFGC will not participate in Lost Arrow as a club. All shoots will be at the Iroquois Rod and Gun Club. FHFGC members who want to shoot Lost Arrow will be welcomed by Iroquois.
See Below for Lost Arrow Details
If there is sufficient interest, indoor Vegas shoots may be held over the fall and winter months.
3D Shoots
FHFGC is a member of Capitaland Bowhunters, who with several other local clubs, host shoots in the capital district of full size three dimensional (3D) targets. Shoots are held almost every week during the summer months and are for individual shooters. Each club has two to four shoots. FHFGC has become recognized for the quality of its shoots including its full-size moose, elk, and bear targets.
Download 2024 Capitaland Schedule Below
Lost Arrow Shoots
For several years FHfGC has participated with two other clubs in league competition shooting at paper targets at distances up to 50 yards called Lost Arrow. Shoots were alternated weekly among the three clubs. In 2024 FHFGC will not participate in Lost Arrow as a club. All shoots will be at the Iroquois Rod and Gun Club. FHFGC members who want to shoot Lost Arrow will be welcomed by Iroquois.
See Below for Lost Arrow Details